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Pregnancy care advice by the Gynecologist during Covid19
Pregnant woman fall in the category of higher risk when we talk of Covid 19. As During pregnancy you are more vulnerable to get infected with any disease as compared to a non pregnant woman because your immune system is comparatively more sensitive during pregnancy and post delivery. So pregnant ladies are considered to be in the high risk group just like aged people, children and also persons having co morbidity like diabetes or high BP, in this Covid pandemic.
So you need to be extra careful in this Covid-19 pandemic. So you need to take extra precautions. Take care of yourself by maintaining proper social distancing and good hand hygiene. Cover your nose and mouth properly with a mask when stepping out. In fact avoid unnecessary movements outside your home. Eat healthy food. Have lot of fruits and vegetables. Keep yourself well hydrated by taking plenty of water and other liquids like nimbu pani and coconut water. Try to do small walks inside your house. Keep your rooms well ventilated.
Avoid going out unnecessarily. Try to get most of the things home delivered. Use a mask when receiving your groceries and other stuff. If you are visiting the Gynecologist or Hospital for your routine checkup then wear the Mask properly and maintain social distancing. Carry your own water bottle and a small snack. Before taking an appointment for a physical checkup ask your Gynecologist for Online consultation if it can be done.
Tele consultation is usually possible in the first four months of pregnancy. Try to avoid unnecessary hospital visits.
Continue taking all your vitamins, iron, calcium and protein supplements. Follow all your doctors instructions. If any doubt do tele consultation. Be aware of baby movements. Report to hospital if you experience any fever, lethargy or muscle pains. Don’t be afraid if you are told to get yourself tested for Covid.
Live healthy. Eat healthy. Sleep healthy. God forbid if inspite of all precautions you still get Covid positive, then follow Gynecologist’s instructions carefully. Many pregnant women have recovered and have had healthy babies.
Author: Dr. Anita Gupta, Gynecologist in Delhi
- Published in Blogs by Dr. Anita Gupta